Centero participated in an OMA organized interoperability event that took place in Pittsburgh on May 17 -19th and was hosted by Smith Micro. Following the official release of the LWM2M 1.0 specification, the event was focused on testing client and server implementations from eleven participating technology providers.

The following Thread based Centero products utilize LWM2M compliant device management combined with IPSO Smart Object data modeling:

  • FabriK communication platform
  • WEE wireless module
  • WHeeL Border Router
  • YarN development platform

For a full listing of the products tested visit:

OMA’s LightweightM2M is a device management protocol designed for sensor networks and the demands of a machine-to-machine (M2M) environment. With LwM2M, OMA has responded to demand in the market for a common standard for managing lightweight and low power devices on a variety of networks necessary to realize the potential of IoT. The LwM2M protocol, designed for remote management of M2M devices and related service enablement, features a modern architectural design based on REST, defines an extensible resource and data model and builds on an efficient secure data transfer standard called the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP).

More than 25 companies are currently deploying LightweightM2M in products and services. OMA members’ products and services using LwM2M include ARM mbed IoT Device Platform, AT&T IoT solutions, AVSystem’s Coiote Platform, Ericsson’s Dynamic Digital Interaction (DDI), Gemalto modules, Huawei’s OceanConnect IoT Platform, IoTerop’s IOWA LwM2M commercial stack and SensorHub, Microsoft’s Azure, Nokia’s IMPACT IoT Platform, Sierra Wireless’ modules, gateways and IoT platform, Telit IoT Platform and IoT Modules, u-blox SARA-R4 Series and more.

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