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Centero Adds Bluetooth LE Connectivity to ISA100 Wireless Devices
Centero’s market leading WISA ISA100 Wireless modules now also support Bluetooth LE connectivity for various functions that are vital to a wireless device’s life cycle. Adding BLE connectivity speeds up and simplifies ISA100 Wireless deployment, maintenance and...
WCI Live Webinar – How to Develop an ISA100 Wireless Instrument that Meets End User Requirements
End users expect ISA100 Wireless instruments to meet their requirements for various use cases. The ISA100 Wireless standardization effort was driven by end users through clearly formulated requirements. End user’s requirements are centered on ensuring...
WCI Live Webinar – Increased Sustainability through Adoption of ISA100 Wireless Solutions
In the last decade, market leading organizations have been striving to reduce the environmental impact of their operations and processes through the adoption of wireless Industrial Internet of Things solutions. This is achieved by adopting novel technologies that not...
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