UNISON ISA100 Wireless Field Gateway_1100x1100-2

Live Webinar WCI – UNISON Safe, A Novel ISA100 Wireless Solution for Developing, Integrating and Deploying Safety Instrumentation (June 14th, 11 AM New York Time)

Demand for IIoT wireless connectivity in safety applications has increased dramatically in the last few years. This was primarily driven by the commercial availability of wireless SIL2 certified field safety instruments and solutions. In addition to gas detection, wireless connectivity is now being adopted in a wide gamut of safety use cases such as flame detection, fire prevention and emergency alerting systems.
Safety use cases must meet rigorous requirements and performance criteria that exceed those for traditional wireless process automation use cases.

ISA100 Wireless was architected and designed with safety applications in mind and includes mechanisms that meet the requirements for various safety use cases.
Safety applications have specific performance criteria for communication reliability, latency, response times and cybersecurity.

This webinar is intended for safety solution providers that plan on developing, integrating or deploying ISA100 Wireless connected products.

Topics Covered

  • ISA100 Wireless features and mechanisms for safety use cases
  • Developing or integrating SIL2 certified instruments
  • Novel safety use cases that rely on wireless IoT connectivity
  • Connectivity and network considerations for safety applications
  • Cybersecurity considerations for safety applications

Who Should Participate?

  • Safety instrumentation and systems providers
  • System integrators
  • Operation Managers
  • Automation Managers and Engineers
  • Field Instrumentation Engineers
  • Maintenance Managers and Engineers
  • Industry Analysts
  • Standards Professionals

Date/Time:  June 14th, 2023 – 11 AM New York Time


Robert Assimiti
Centero, Co-Founder and CEO

Runar Maeland
Mimes, Founder and CEO

For information about Centero’s UNISON safe ISA100 Wireless Field Gateway please visit https://centerotech.com/product/unison-safe-isa100-wireless-field-gateway/

About Centero

Centero is a provider of wireless technologies, products and services for Internet of Things connectivity. Our offering includes end-to-end, standards-based communication hardware and software platforms that can be swiftly integrated into novel or existing products or systems.