UNISON ISA100 Wireless Field Network Manager
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Centero’s UNISON Wireless Field Network Manager (WFNM) is an ISA100 Wireless (IEC62734) compliant Gateway. It provides wireless connectivity, network and security management to ISA100 Wireless mesh field instrument networks. It is suitable for installation in control rooms or cabinets, but also includes multiple remote antenna options for field wireless connectivity in both non-hazardous and hazardous areas. The ISA100 Wireless (IEC 62734) industrial IoT standard provides a robust wireless protocol for the full range of process measurement, control, safety and asset management applications. Deploy highly scalable networks that cover large geographic areas due to the market leading wireless range of Centero’s WISA2 embedded wireless transceiver. Monitor, configure and manage field instruments via an intuitive web-based application and access both process values and diagnostics through MODBUS/TCP, OPC UA and GSAP/GCI plant network interfaces. All software and firmware components are remotely upgradeable through a secure, AES-256 encrypted and authenticated process.
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